Activating the Immune Response: Mobilizing Against Cancer (E-Handbook Available)
Activating the Immune Response: Mobilizing Against Cancer (E-Handbook Available)
(Scroll down for e-handbook)
This handbook focuses on the TARA Approach (Tools for Awakening Resources and Awareness). The intention is to OUTSMART CANCER by getting into the mechanisms of the immune system through the mind-body connection. The TARA Approach methods mobilize the afferent-efferent nervous system and the bioelectric conductivity of the skin to shift unconscious attitudes that contribute to auto-immune disease. It illuminates these implicit conditions and brings them into the open so that they no longer manipulate somatic responses without the individual’s consent. The TARA Approach empowers you to rewrite your owner’s manual and drive your vehicle in the direction you select rather than in an old direction that you did not realize you had programmed into your engine’s software and hardware.