E-Handbook: A Little Child Shall Lead Them - A TARA Approach Pediatrics Manual

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E-Handbook: A Little Child Shall Lead Them - A TARA Approach Pediatrics Manual


Perceiving a child’s history from the moment she was conceived, from her perspective, is the stunning contribution that the TARA Approach makes to pediatrics. Parents and practitioners alike strengthen their services to children and families by using this handbook. It is a stand-alone guide and can also be coupled with participation in other training and mentorship. This beautifully illustrated resource is the product of decades of research with diverse families throughout the world. In easy to understand language it offers:

*Approaches to listening to the whole child;
*An overview of the embryogenesis of sensory systems;
*Hands-on applied touch interventions to strengthen and integrate a child’s nervous system;
*Keys to evoking confidence in all children;
*A perspective on neurodiversity that shapes how one resources a child; and
*Guidelines to attunement, including through pulse listening.

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